Junior Performance Coaching

Russell’s junior coaching philosophy is founded and grounded on the latest research around elite performance in young people. This research is often empirically reviewed and then practically used.  Russell’s promotes a holistic view embracing both the psychologically, biologically and social domains. 

Russell’s Top Beliefs for Development

Physical talent alone is won’t achieve excellence

‘Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work’ - Tim Notke

Elite performance is underpinned by an array of factors - social, physical, technical, tactical and psychological

Social, economic and family support influence participation and performance

Fundamental movement skills and physical literacy allow an athlete to be physically more coachable

From physical perspective, it’s important to train, speed, power and mobility for the modern game

Early successes aren’t always a predictor of long-term success

They are young people, not just golfers

Every young person is a case study of one

A blend of blocked/deliberate practice and social/fun play is important

It’s not what they do once in a while that matters; it’s what they do consistently that counts.

It’s important to praise effort over achievement

It’s essential to develop all the ‘Psychological Characteristics of Developing Excellence’ - PCDE’s

Self-mastery goals are essential in development 

“Young players out there. Always give your best, that’s all you can do. You never know what might happen in this game” - Gary Player